
Blog 3: Fluid Dynamics - Post 1.

When I was taking fluid dynamics at UC Merced there was a consensus among the students that our lab manuals were poorly written. But I managed to work through them. Then on one occasion, our lab instructions said to refer to certain engineering research articles. However, I found the expositions to be plagiarizing in many places, as well as providing insufficient information to support their hypotheses, let alone for students to recreate their experiments. I decided that in my lab report I would write a clear and correct exposition on the topic at hand. I started by reviewing the literature, finding the holes in their proofs and filling in those gaps so my classmates and I could understand what was going on in the lab. The teaching assistant was impressed to say the least. The following document is my exposition on estimating the flow of fluid within a pipe by examining the vibrations of the pipe. The exposition uses concepts from Strength of Materials, Fluid Dynamics, Differential Equations and Statistics. Enjoy.